Jean Fryson @Ramonakz0220: OLTL because of Roger Howarth and they had the best writers. And I love the main characters and storylines
Cassie Misino @CassTVChat72410 GH is my favorite, but I miss OLTL so much!!!!!
Lucyt @mothermission GL ATWT BoldandBeautiful Dallas the last three move around according to my mood. GH DAYS YR. yr used to be 3rd always.
Justin Brockwell @02Justin10
OLTL had Slezak, Strasser, Kristen, Howarth, St. John, Lozano and David A. Gregory! My Fave Megan @PhickOTM GH cause it has Michelle Stafford and Maura West on it. Golden goddesses.
Brandon's Buzz @BrandonsBuzz OLTL
Started watching when I was 12 and loved the larger-than-life characters and situations! Tracy Blair-Lovell @T_AnnBlair Guiding Light I grew up on cbs soaps..I loved ATWT as well but GL..LOVE. Kim Zimmer, Ron Raines, Robert Newman, more..
Carolyn Jachens @BarefootBlonde5 "Another World" George Renhoit, Jacqueline Courney, Ray Liotta & Constance Ford
Lois Troutman @LoisTroutman Port Charles.With the story arcs dared to be different. Loved all six yrs of show. Where I first saw Michael Easton.
RHOsoaps @MissToniDQ
AMC was my favorite because of over the top diva character Erica Kane/Susan Lucci. GH is my favorite now because of the cast. Joe Costanzo @costanzo740
EDGE OF NIGHT but hate behind scenes scandals after show ended I don't judge people my fave next to GH 2014 @vampdiarfan200
General Hospital Because of Nikolas & Gia Stephen Martines Marisa M Ramirez Frank @tnecvolfanATL
Bold and the Beautiful because it's the number one soap in the world and it's on at work in my cubicle every day. Also Santa Barbara, Edge of Night, and The Young and the Restless. dgrice @drivankipling
One Life 2 Live is it 4 me! Brilliant cast & compelling/entertaining story won my heart decades ago....I still miss it so much. Matt Hanvey @garbagefan98
The Bold and the Beautiful it's the most fun soap overall. The glamor, locations, weddings, iconic characters, shocking plots, & socially relevant stories Chach @ChachMusic
General Hospital was my fav! I grew up watching it with my grandmother. I fantasized about being on as a musical guest one day. Nikky Kiki @nikkykiki
Port Charles because everyone made the supernatural storylines feel free. Great acting, writing, producing, etc all around. Chikenna @2_CLASSY_SASSY
Guiding Light because of the Otalia story with Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia Kat @katr03
Although I've watched many soaps over the years, #days has always been closest to my heart because I grew up on the great 80s supercouples. Which have stood the test of time even to this day! Barb Harnedy @BarbfromIndy
Another World was my 1st soap and all-time favorite!! If they’d put it on DVD I’d still be watching it....Cass, Frankie, Felicia Gallant...John & Sharlene Weesie 🇮🇹 🌻#BringPatchBack @EloiseNollenbe3
#DAYS in the 80's: #Days in the beginning. This soap centered on family, religion and good for everyone. This theme continued, grew and blossomed through the 80's. The best soap ever. Fell apart during the 90s. Anthony Corona @Anthony31c
I grew up watching the ABC soaps with my grandmother… It’s always fluctuated for me between General Hospital and one life to live… For so many reasons that are too numerous to mention Good drama is as good drama does! |
Stephanie @Soapfanfiction: Fave Soap Past: GuidingLight, ATWT, AnotherWorld Santa Barbara, AMC and Edge Of Night. Current Soap faves
Alvin Scott @Alvin_Scott Santa Barbara because I loved Cruz & Eden and I love CA Santa Barbara California #soapopera
Sabrina LPN @mom23girls9400 Santa Barbara, Passions and Days. Grew up watching Days. I watched several soaps throughout my life. Great stories
Michelle Mongelli @hotshotdiva24 Y&R because I started watching it with my grandmother and I always remember that.
Jewell @JewellKay My favorite soap is All My Children. It's been around me since I was 6 months old,my mom had watched it from the beginning.So I pretty much grew u with it.. What I loved about AMC they dealt with real issues,one that stood out for me,when the character Cindy passed away from AIDS,I thought it was beautifully written,or when they did a story on drunk driving and Brooke lost her daughter.What I like about soaps dealing with real life issues,I think it helps others that might be going through the same thing,and it brings out the actors great acting, I love when they pull you in with their emotions and make you feel what they are feeling..
DAYSDHsFAN @StephJLukas daysofourlives because, for the most part stayed true to its core; family, romance, intrigue. And Drake Hogestyn
Sheryl Donnell @SMDonnell
Always Y&R! Started watching in 75 at age 11. 40 years later I'm still hooked! Watched others but nothing like Y&R! Elissa Wynn @elissa1987
Passions.Great acting by Eric Martsolf & Lindsay Hartley turned poor writing into great tv. Plus Erin Cardillo was hilarious as Esme! TeamSteffyb @TeamSteffyb
As the world turns! Miss it so! I just can't name a few reasons because it all worked so well together. They incorporated the old and new. Carla Cannon bope♡♡♡ @carlacannon55
Days of Our Lives longest running best actors loyalty to their Just Dance all around love it love it love it Carolyn Topol @CarolynTopol
I loved so many, but 3 of my faves were #OLTL, #GH, & #AMC. I was a "Love in the Afternoon" girl. Nikky Kiki @nikkykiki
Port Charles It blended supernatural into the real world. Great group of actors, great writing and use of cast. I miss this show Jasammers @OGJasam
Loved GH an the story telling of Guza with mob an action/ adventure. AW I thought was really good with comedy of Felicia an Cass Angel Young @tornadosong
One Life to Live!! Good till the last drop...on ABC. Tracy Melchior @tracymelchior
Sunset Beach. It was my first..and Tess was my favorite character to play. 2CLASSY_SASSY
@2_CLASSY_SASSY Days of Our Lives (was) and Guiding light @crystalchappell and @JessicaLeccia Diane @drud29
xo @crystalchappell #DaytimeAtBest #GuidingLight #Oltl @nbcdays & on the web @venicetheseries Frank @tnecvolfanATL
it was different than traditional soaps they had more action crazier storylines and appealed to a younger audience Kat 🇨🇦 ❤️ ✌🏼 ☮️ 🌎 @katr03
#days of the 80s. Now it has too many deeply disturbing themes #yr #SantaBarbara Marie-Eve Mongrain @mariem201
Guiding light always and forever. My grandmother had just come from Egypt and we both watched it together to learn English. I was just 9. My granddad was in love with Reva and I thought her grander in life. That soap felt so much more like real life than others. Felt like I could really relate to the characters and their struggles. |
Nievecitas @Otalia69: GL
Na'Vell @BuzzworthyRadio As The World Turns. It was the first show I ever watched, and stuck w/ since up til its cancellation.
David Salvagni @Take2RadioCrew In 1978, my mother introduced me to a story about a woman attending her own funeral. The actress: Jeanne Cooper #YR
Dawn Mac: My fav is Guiding Light because the storylines were always so good. They had the best love stories...Philip & Beth, Reva & Josh, just great storytelling at its finest!
Tricia Marie @TP111205 DAYS all the way!!! hey have consistently had the best couples & that's what keeps me interested in a soap. Great villains too!
Jo loves Misha! @JoAnne_Hankey As the World Turns many reasons. I first started watching as a young teen, as teenagers Lily & Holden were falling in love. Growing up w/them. Years later, coming back from college, I would tune in & it was like "going home to my family in Oakdale". Everyone aging w/me.When I was older I would watch tapes of the show when nursing my kids during at 2am feeding. Quiet house, just me, a baby & ATWT also my neighbor became head writer at the end and created my favorite character in the history of the show. Dr. Reid Oliver!
djekfam1d @sobeitalive another world guiding light y&r all my children general hospital
Tarek Jeremy Rogers @tareksocal
Dark Shadows was so unique! OLTL was amazing too. The characters were true 2 themselves. #FeltRight Let's Talk About Soaps @LTASoaps A tie among the 80s/90s/00s ABC lineup: Loving, AMC, OLTL, GH. All 4 different reasons. But mostly cuz they are all my family. :)
nakeisha Jones @nj_7174_jones
ATWT I was eleven when Luke/Noah storyline air and I remember watching it when they had their first kiss I was eleven then Noise On The Set @noiseontheset
It was #GH until RC and Frank V. decimated it. I now have 2 go w/ One Life to Live and All My Children 4 the win. Cristie @CrissyGee75
I loved OLTL. Asa Buchanan, Renee, Vikki/Nikki, Todd and Blair, Patrick and Marty, The Cramer girls GiftOfAmber @GoAFemslash
Guiding Light. Because of the writing, natural light, and fanfiction. Also AW, Days, OLTL, AMC. Carla C @anothercc
Guiding Light is my all time fav. I love CrystalChappell & she got to play bad girl Olivia "Freakin" Spencer. Awesome Storylines Jewell @JewellKay
All My Children! I liked that they dealt with real life issues,one story that stands out,when Cindy died from AIDS, beautifully written. Tanya @tawny_cat
#Days is my favorite because I grew up watching 80s supercouples. I love the romance, families, and Steve & Kayla Blythe Adams
@BlytheAdams I miss ATWT so badly. It was my favorite for years. Chikenna @2_CLASSY_SASSY
Days of our lives Carly Crystal Chappell and Bo were life & Guiding Light Crystal Chappell Olivia Spencer and Jessica Leccia Natalia OTALIA Janelle Sanders @JanelleintheUK
All My Children for the characters, brilliant acting, storylines, drama. Same for #GH #OLTL The best soaps, I miss them very much. 𝓝𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓓.@myendlessejami
Santa Barbara the only Soap that kept my interest from start to finish. Patricia @PatStGeorge
Days of our Lives they have the best storylines & most romantic couple goes to Wally Kurth Judi Evans Rebecca Venter
@RebeccaVenter Started out #AMC Cliff/Nina then Jenny/Greg b/c my older sister watched followed by Clint/Vikki on #OLTL. MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE was my own: DUKE & ANNA. My AP English teacher kept talking about some guy, “Duke”, being a BYRONIC HERO-like Heathcliff. Checked it out. I was HOOKED! |
David A. Gregory @DavidAGreg onelifetolive! Legends like Slezak, Carey, Watkins!
Jamey Giddens @Jamey_Giddens Another World It was the perfect microcosm of life amongst generations of interwoven families, friends, lovers & rivals.
diimtuu bb @diimtuubb as the world turns and guiding light were my favorite soaps!
Mike LaValle @valleymike07
Thx! It’s hard for me to say between OLTL & GH.has disappointed me more. OLTL I never stopped watching so As for the why. OLTL was more consistently good. Never became a show I didn’t recognize. Was able to love it for decades.OLTL Eileen H. Hargis @eileenhargis1 I started with ATWT and GL with my grandmother when I was 11. That was 60 years,ago! I knew most of the Days and GH, know most of the casts.due to being friends with Chris Giutman and Ellen Wheeler who let me visit the sets. The same for YR BB Days and GH, know most of the casts. GL will always be my favorite, then YR, BB and Days and, ATWT, GH
Amanda @MenaB719 Days of Our Lives - it's the only one I watched semi-consistently. I watched others only a year or so than moved on.
Michele @rhda8386 GH 1979-1989 Romance, interesting friendships, adventure, humor, and fun umbrella stories that brought in large portions of the cast. The show, at that time, was able to tell a compelling, long story from beginning to end with great transitions & clarity. New characters were introduced as part of a story involving established favorites and worked up to leading roles & more airtime.
Jani @jani1881 GH & Days Both had the best super couples in the 80s
M @mccsis1 General Hospital of course ! loyalty to our Director Producer Finola Hughes Cypress Bayou xoxo
Lu Anne Cesare @prinny56
Dark Shadows was the 1st soap I watched as a young girl, my fav. Romance, vampires, ghosts. It was unique! I have fond memories Jim Berrens @jimberrens
Another World! Donna and Cass and Felicia forever! Vickie and Marley oh my! lucyt @mothermission
Past Guiding Light & ATWT current Bold and Beautiful Cathy Borah @clcborah
Guiding Light is and will always be the best soap ever to be on TV. Still miss it so much. Beverly g Warren @BeverlygWarren1
"Days of our lives"!Awesome storylines and awesome cast that's just totally Devine! Can't get enough of "Days" BDickerson @pdd924
Guiding Light . Great family memories tied to watching it. Belynda Gates-Turner @BelyndaGT
Love #GH now but classic Dallas was the 1st soap I cut my teeth on when I was itty bitty so that remains my top. The reboot wasn't too bad too. Carolyn Topol
@CarolynTopol Tie: All My Children & One Life to Live Honorable Mention: Dark Shadows (my first soap with my babysitter-lol) and Secret Storm (my first regular soap with my grandmother) Kitty DAWG PhD @kittyinfl
Y and R but I’m upset with Doug Davidson’s issue and others who are on a recurring status! I don’t like it!!!! Those of us who’ve watched since day 1 are not happy! Doris @DorisLaRubia
Santa Barbara as it was well written, had amazing actors and incredible storylines full of romance and humour. Most of the actors like @NancyLeeGrahn and @ABoneMartinez look back on the work with fond memories Cindy Lamanna Capps
@CindyLamanna Days of our Lives solely for Justin and Adrienne Kiriakis ! Lois Troutman
@Loistroutman #PortCharles because it dared to be different than regular, overused soap plots. It took us to a whole other fun realm with vampires, avatar, tainted candles, Angels, talking portraits, etc. It had a small stellar ensemble cast. And as a bonus introduced me to #MichaelEaston |